Stealthily at first and then brazenly,
His warm presence unavoidable
as palpable as the translucent beads of moisture
that dot my cupid's bow.
Many moments are unwelcome
Like when hot sticky sweat
Coaxed out of my flaccid body
trickles down at a fervent pace
Over mounds of flesh that is a testament
of fatty repasts of cooler times.
Every action and reaction
is an effort tinged with a lethargy
that is synonymous to his genial counterpart.
Oh how I miss winter.
Summer is here and my body feels it first
The sweat and the grime and the heat are a fixture
Brows furrow, eyes crinkle, parched is
No wore a word in the dictionary
Clothes come off, with nary a sensual suggestion,
Any hints at intimacy vehemently shrugged off
One's own body seeming a burden to bear
It doesn't get more grounded or real than this.
Blinking at the harsh eye crinkling rays
I look down at the verdant tapestry of my tiny garden
Nodding and swaying to the summer breeze
Leaves thick and green; stem strong and erect
The plants are resilient and cheerful somehow;
As if, this were all a test and they have emerged winners
All around me there are signs of robust health and bounty
Green and brilliant red watermelons, hard green mangoes
Slowly turning yellow and juicy - a treat meant for the Gods
Dust and colour go hand in hand; summer has truly arrived.
A thought pierces through the lethargy that has
taken over my mind and body.
This bitter sun that wrings the spirit and mortal flesh
Can also extract the very best of everything.
Fervently hoping that would be true or else I am going to have a tough time getting through the next one month.
Happy Summer!