So as the D-day approaches, I find myself being suitably busy. Clothes, venue, décor, catering etc etc for two occasions, had to be planned. And whew God! It’s over. But then the invite for the party that we are hosting after our marriage, had to be done. Since this is an offbeat marriage and only our select friends were to be invited, I didn’t want the traditional wedding invites printed. I wanted to make the cards myself. Well, it was easy to say….but surprisingly it all just fell into place the way I wanted. I had to first think of the theme of our party. And since it was to be in one of the famous addresses in the city, I didn’t have much to do but to milk the setting for what it’s worth. So, ‘party under the stars’ was born. That meant I needed a ‘star’ theme. Lots of ideas swept over me. At last I settled for a bright starry invite. It was not a dark, mysterious night party card; more so it was a bright, cheery starry card. Yeah…I know you must be shaking your head saying ‘weird’...
A blog on Travel, Movies, Books and Life in general.