Warning: This post is not for cynics. Don't tell me I didnt warn you. Its not the first time that I have taken inspiration from songs to say whats on my mind. The foundation of S and my relationship has been different songs sent as a medium to express our thoughts. He infact courted me by sending me a song everyday. So today, on his birthday I have picked this utter mushy song - Because you loved me, by Celine Dion, because, frankly inspite of its corniness, it seems to express my thoughts exactly. So bhavs, Happy birthday to you! This is for you. For all those times you stood by me (your unending loyalty) For all the truth that you made me see (the truth about my insecurities) For all the joy you brought to my life (oh...that list is long) For all the wrong that you made right (you are my regular handy man for all my problems) For every dream you made come true (of getting married, of having a house, of loving me endlessly) For all the love I found in you (which you have no ...
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