Understandably, since it involves me, Intermittent Fasting had nothing much to do with my weight loss, though I did lose some weight when I followed it diligently. But I sure can wear out any self respecting diet or weight loss program - I am that relentless. Nevertheless I had started Intermittent Fasting last year with the noble intention of losing weight before I hit 40. The mile stone came up alright, except it did with the same fat and weight on my person as it was at 39. So yes, this post has nothing to do with weight loss. But it is about the adoption of a healthy eating mindset, thanks to Intermittent Fasting. After trying it for almost a year without doing any exercise, I had managed to lose a couple of kilos. But I haven't pursued it this year, as I have started yoga and exercise and I wanted to use the confidence Intermittent fasting had given me to pursue a concrete and fitting diet plan that will get me through my forties and my binge days. Now what did I...
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