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Showing posts from December, 2015

Of Fertility and Growth

It's raining, it's pouring, The old man is snoring He went to bed  And bumped his head And couldn't get up in the morning In other words, it is raining in Chennai. It's raining in a place where the only weather conditions are mild summer, medium summer, melt your pants off summer, a blink and you miss rainy season with a whiff of winter. And now we have been assailed by four systems, with a fifth one getting ready to join the fourth. Whew! That's a lot of rain and people are complaining of everything and sundry. My blog was supposed to be as regular as our normal monsoon forecast but it has languished unnoticed for more than a year. Procrastinators like me have plenty of reasons for not completing a task and in this case though I'm tempted to blame it on the weather, I have to own up that I was actually waiting for the perfect moment. Ahem...and no, that's a genuine reason; not a procrastinator's excuse. But all these limiting thoughts asi...