It’s raining! Yippee it’s raining. I am prancing about, jumping with joy. Because it is raining. I could keep repeating this sentence for the whole of today and still not tire of it. It’s raining! Whoop! I love the rain. I never did for a long time in the past, but now I do. I love the rain. In Chennai, that too. For the uninitiated let me explain the previous sentence. When, if you look outside your window and see a large body of muddy water creeping up to the doorway of your house, bringing with it debris of all kinds – half eaten, faded film posters, twigs and leaves, excreta, sewage and insects then you’d agree that it is not at all nice when it rains in Chennai. When all you can see through the haze of the rain is a cluster of grimy buildings, painted in garish yellow or 'jaal' (eye-blinding) pink years ago, instead of lush greenery, then yes, it is Chennai we are talking of. If you are one of those unfortunates who is stranded mid-way from any de...
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