Last week I saw two movies, each as different from the other as chalk to cheese. I am not hinting that the 'chalk' here is bad or good. It is more a case of what one likes - chalk or cheese. And that I guess is my motivation for this blog. The case of liking either one or both or none. You know what to expect when you see a movie in which the actors look Asian. Lots of kung fu or judo or karate or as is the case with the eminently disappointing movie (for me, for me) on martial arts, Ong Bak 2 or 3, a movie set in the past and about revenge. But thanks to Google and the innumerable movie reviews doing the rounds today, we selected this movie knowing what was in store. Lots of action and very little story, which I must say is exactly what I got. Generally I would have skipped a movie which received such a review and would let hubby dearest persuade me to give him company for his dose of action movies. But this time I was intrigued by the stand up ovation the movie had rec...
A blog on Travel, Movies, Books and Life in general.