Okie this blog entry is with respect to the question asked on Facebook’s Big brain answer. In the real food or junk food question, the option really is no option at all. Real food all the way. First of all lets clear out what junk food really is. Junk food is something which has very negligible amount of nutrients. A long term diet of junk food will deprive body of precious good nutrients and will lead to obesity and heart diseases. Real food on the other hand delivers a lot of nutrients to the system. It is not so bad tasting as many would like to think. Only, it will not stand first when compared to junk food like burgers, pizzas, fries etc. World wide the basic component of real food would be foods rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins and medium carbohydrates. The basic food which provide for these would be – Carbohydrates – Cereals (especially whole cereals), roots and tubers (potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam, carrots, beets etc) Proteins – Meat (especially fish and chicken), eggs, ...
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